Fluffy marketing makes me suspicious. If a product promises too much, I usually steer clear. Living Proof PhD Shampoo and Conditioner claims to give users the “perfect hair day” -that’s actually what the P-H-D stands for – which seems like a rather bold statement. Luckily, my inner sceptic was proven wrong.
PhD is powered by their patented Healthy Hair Molecule (OFPMA)…I’ll spare you the science behind it, but in short, it is supposed to deliver the five elements of perfect hair: smoothness, volume, conditioning, strength, and polish. Like a multitasking product, it claims to do it all.
I have tried other Living Proof products in the past and have always been a big fan. I figured this duo would be a solid addition to my shower routine. However, I was blown away. Literally. My hair was so much easier to blow dry after my first wash! It was smooth and manageable, but not heavy or weighed down. The duo also made my strands incredibly soft; as in, you can’t keep your hands (or his!) out of your hair, soft.
Like most of the Living Proof line, these products have a pleasant, clean, mildly-grapefruity scent. They’re formulated without sulfates or silicone, so both are safe for my color-treated, Keratin-coated locks.
PhD also claims to help you wash your hair less often. I can’t speak to this claim, since I’m sort of gross and only wash my hair two or maybe three times a week. I also doubt that it helps in terms of cleanliness that I’m constantly stroking my hair after using PhD, although it does let me use less styling product.
This stuff not only lives up to its hype, but it also makes me feel a bit like their brand ambassador, Jennifer Aniston; not in a Rachel haircut sort of way — more like a bouncy, long, enviable locks kind of vibe. Because, duh, that’s SO my hair now!